Healed from MS

Previously published by Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer


In 1999 I was diagnosed with relapsing/remitting MS. As an ordained minister, I continued to share God's precious Word wherever the Lord would grant me opportunity.

In October 2006, having returned from Nigeria earlier that year, where I had been ministering, I suffered a major relapse, the MS progressing to the next stage, which was Secondary Progressive. My symptoms included falling, difficulty breathing and swallowing, choking, incontinence, intermittent blindness, speaking had become a problem, so that combined with terrific fatigue and short term memory loss my life had virtually come to a halt. But Praise God, He never comes to a halt. He never slumbers or sleeps, for He is the same, yesterday, today and forever, and was still there in the midst of this mighty storm, holding me, supporting me, uplifting me, and wiping away any tears when situations became too difficult.

A number of years after this diagnosis, owing to these situations having to move home to be nearer my children, one day my son rang. He informed me that he had been on his knees praying, and whilst in prayer, he had felt the Lord sharing with him that He would heal me. Praise God! I received that word from my Heavenly Father with thanksgiving, not knowing when, for everything is in His timing, or how our Lord would answer, for His ways are not our ways, but I knew then and absolutely continue to know that our God is God of the impossible, and is more than able to do abundantly above anything we could ever ask or think.

Over time, true to His precious Word, He gradually touched this vessel, and instead of needing to use the facilities in this adapted home, instead of needing to utilise the disability equipment which my occupational therapist had so kindly provided for me, I no longer need or use any of them. For HALLELUJAH! The Lord touched me. How Great is our God!

With all of my heart I give thanks and praise to Almighty God, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who by His Spirit breathed upon this vessel and made me whole, equipping me once again to be released into His harvest field, that I may share with all the Greatness, the Wonder, the Glory of our Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace. AMEN.

The words of this old chorus, my testimony in a nutshell:-
He touched me!

He touched me!

And oh the joy that floods my soul,

something happened, and now I know

He touched me

and me me whole!


Rescued from Kidnap


Stay Here a While (painting)