Dinner with Jesus


Words by Naomi Bruce, Redruth

What do you cook when Jesus invites Himself to dinner?

The Invitation

On Friday 9th November 2018, I was resting in my bed listening to relaxing worship music before turning off my light to go sleep. Then, out of the blue I felt the Holy Spirit say to me, “Why don’t you invite Jesus to dinner tomorrow evening?” I lifted my head off my pillow - I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! Moving my eyes quickly around my room, I can recall thinking ‘Am I going mad?!’. My spirit knew exactly what to do and repeated what I had heard. So with slight hesitation, I took a deep breath and said “Jesus… would you like to come to dinner tomorrow night?” and before I knew it Jesus replied within my spirit saying, “Yes please, I would like that a lot”.  I could feel Him smiling whilst he replied.  I screamed with excitement.  I thought to myself, Jesus is coming to dinner tomorrow and with me! But, it didn’t take long for doubt and the voice of the enemy to creep in. When I awoke the next morning, I had doubts whirling around my head - “You’re actually going to have dinner with Jesus, you’re going to make yourself look stupid if you actually go through with this”.  So I decided not to go ahead with it - and anyway, surely Jesus wouldn’t pick me to have dinner with out of all the people in the world.  

The Doubt

Not long after, I attended a women’s gathering at my church, the Engine House, and I remember a friend saying “It’s good to have intimate time with Jesus, to want His face to be close to yours” and as she said this, she had her hand positioned in front of her face and went onto say “To feel Jesus’ breath on your face”. My spirit flickered with joy - this felt like confirmation! It is OK to have personal, intimate times with Jesus. I suddenly realised that the enemy was trying to derail me from having the dinner so I quickly began my preparations to ensure this meal happened that very evening! As I drove back home, I remember thinking to myself that I would make Jesus a nice roast dinner as men love their roasts! I also decided to have communion before we started, I began wondering what to wear, getting myself ready as I was tired and sure I looked it. Next thing I knew, I could hear Jesus speak very clearly to me “You’re beautiful just as you are”. I took a deep breath and burst into tears. Wow!

The Dinner

Aromas of the roast dinner filled the kitchen, and the meal was ready to be served. The table was set up for two, the table wear in opposite positions.  Communion was set aside ready. The serving begins and I place Jesus’ filled plate at His sitting and my plate at mine.  I pulled out His chair and I placed my Bible on His seat. I sat down, looking at an empty chair in front of me, wiggling my toes on the wooden flooring beneath, feeling rather silly. I thought to myself, here goes… looking towards the empty chair I said “thank you Jesus for coming to dinner”. What happened next transformed the evening - He replied “thank you for inviting me” and as soon as He said these words, the presence of the room completely changed and I could actually feel Jesus sitting there in front of me.  I had an overwhelming feeling of love towards me and an emotion that I can’t describe, as I have never experienced it in my life before.  All I could do was drop my face into my arm and weep - the tears were rolling down my face! Jesus was truly here, and here with me…ME! I asked to be excused from the table so I could go and wipe my tears, I could feel His smile towards me.  It was beautiful.  I returned to the table asking Jesus what He would like to talk about - Jesus replied saying He would like to hear about my day. I wasn’t having any of it as I understand He already knows about my day but I could learn so much from Him.  But He spoke again saying “Naomi, my dear child.  I want to hear from YOU about your day”.  I didn’t argue with Him and so off I went telling Him about my day and other light-hearted things.  We laughed and I just kept on telling stories.  (Just to add… Jesus didn’t eat His dinner as He was there in spirit and not in the physical.)

After dinner I became anxious as a question came to mind. At the time, I was carrying around a very serious, deep-rooted emotion of pain, anguish, shame and guilt.  It was something that had been lingering over me for several years after my time spent living in Australia.  When I was there, I had gone ‘off-the-rails’ - I suffered personal problems and chose to turn my back on God to hurt Him because I was hurting.  Years later it didn’t matter how many church events I attended, or how many times I read my Bible and prayed with others, I never felt clean from my past sins during that time.  So I asked the hardest question I believe I would ever have to ask.  “Jesus, can you please make me pure again?” – Jesus replied “I already have”.  The Father’s love fell upon me and an uncontrollable wounded cry came from deep within me.  I was finally rescued from my own captivity and He set me free. Thank you Jesus!

The Scripture

“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.” - Revelation 3:20

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” - Matthew 11:28


Words by Naomi Bruce, Redruth

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