Sweet to my Soul


Words and Music by Rebecca Annan, London, England

Oh Lord, I approach You,
Oh Lord, my heart seeks You.
You hear me call to You;
I hear Your words
And they’re sweet to my soul.

Your words are sweet to my ears, soothing to my soul,
Of everything thru the years - the only truth I have known.
Your voice refreshes my heart, wash away any pain,
So to sing with joy how can I refrain?

Oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, sweet to my soul (x2)

So let the words of my mouth,
meditation of my heart,
be acceptable to You
My rock and my redeemer.

When I’m not where I’m meant to be,
Your love brings me back to You,
When I’m not who I’m made to be,
Your words bring healing to my soul.

Oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, sweet to my soul (x2)

Your word is sweet to my soul,
Soothing to my spirit.
Your words a lamp to my feet, a light to my path.
It’s more precious than gold,
More precious to me
Than anything in this world could ever, ever be.

Oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, sweet to my soul (x2)

So let the words of my mouth,
Meditation of my heart
Be acceptable to You
My rock and my redeemer.

When I’m not where I’m meant to be,
Your love brings me back to You,
When I’m not who I’m made to be,
Your words bring healing to my soul.

Oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, sweet to my soul (x2)

“The inspiration for this song was found in Psalms 19:4, 119:103, and 105. It’s about drawing near to God and hearing His word and letting His words heal us and bring us joy and praying that our words in return and our hearts will be acceptable before Him our rock and our redeemer.” - Rebecca Annan

Words and Music by Rebecca Annan, London, England

Jun 17


Rest in God


Beyond the Wall of Clouds