Through the Eyes of John


Words by Rebekah Brown, Brockley

Reflections on the Book of Revelation, chapters 4 and 5.

Hello world, my name is John

No-one great, but a real someone

Have you been where I have been?

Have you seen what I have seen?

The throne-room of Almighty God

A place where no one dares to trod.

A thunder-cracking central throne

Indescribable precious stones

Surrounded by the Pillars of Faith

Listen to the words they say…

Worthy, worthy, worthy, is He

Who was and is and always will be

Bow thy head and bend thy knee

The awesome one is near to thee

Who can stand before this King?

Open the scroll; Salvation bring?

A Lion of Judah; David’s Son

Battles fought, Rescues Won.

Not a mighty Lion, No!

A slaughtered lamb defeats the foe.

Ransom paid, access free

The Lamb of God brings us peace.

Every nation, language tongue,

Together join in joyful throng…

Worthy, worthy, worthy, is He

Who was and is and always will be

Bow thy head and bend thy knee

The lamb has won the victory

Understand why Jesus’ prayer

Eyes on heaven takes us there.

Bowls of prayers aromas sweet

By his throne, at His feet

Things unseen by my small eyes

Truth obscured by worldly lies

God almighty rules, Jesus has won.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done.

Words by Rebekah Brown, Brockley

May 28


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