His Runaway


Words by Lizzie Hornby, Hayle

In the chaos of life, God calls His children home.

On Thursday evening I had a call from my daughter who was breaking her heart over many things. She's a single parent in a third floor flat on lockdown and trying to achieve a first in her degree whilst stimulating a fairly strong charactered 4yr old!!  My daughter won't allow the father to visit my grandson for various reasons which I can’t go into. Added to that my grandson can't come to my and my husband’s home as we're shielding our vulnerable son who has Trisomy 18, complex health issues, disability and developmental delay.

There was a whole list of things that had gone wrong that day for my daughter; a malfunctioning laptop, a broken relationship with her boyfriend, and abusive messages. I listened as best I could, and offered to pray, but the emotion of it all flared up again. I did manage to speak peace into her situation and told her it would all work out in the end. We finished the call, her still sobbing and my spirit troubled. Straight afterward, I prayed into my daughter’s situation with a couple we're doing daily zoom communion and bible study with. We sensed God was moved to do something, and felt His peace.

24hrs later I got a call from my daughter:

“Mum, you're not going to believe this but everything’s sorted!”

Her brother had agreed to take care of her son while she studied; at one point managing a whole two days to focus on her work. (The first time in four weeks!) Plus she'd had an apology from the person who'd sent abusive messages, and things were back on with her boyfriend! Some of the other issues will sort out too I'm sure!

I had a brilliant God conversation with her, which was so natural! She even admitted “It must have been God has answered your prayers, because I feel so different!”, and “How can I be that wretched yesterday, and totally euphoric today!!”

What an awesome God we serve! That though we often have to work through tough times, in His perfect timing He provides a ‘suddenly’ moment! That even when his prodigals are still far off, He shows up in the midst of a storm and speaks gently with compassion to His runaway.

Words by Lizzie Hornby, Hayle

May 14


The Elasticity of Youth


We Are Not Forsaken