Moving Mountains


Words by Lizzie Hornby, Hayle, Cornwall, England

Though we may stray from God, He orchestrates events to bring us back to Him.

As a fifteen year old, I had asked Yeshua into my heart. But, I wasn't discipled, and returned to my old life, and the reality of two separated parents - one in Canada and one in England - who weren't walking with God. I can't remember telling either of my parents or anyone else, and eventually, fairly quickly forgot all about God.

I had a tough upbringing, with a single mum who relied on three jobs, antidepressants, uppers, poppers and parties to stay afloat. I was a latchkey kid, in a foreign country, no friends yet, and a younger sister to look after.

Around the age of 16 I started investigating various spiritual avenues secretly, and ended up choosing satanism. Only my best friend knew and was part of what we were doing. Casting spells, incantations, levitation, seances and ceremonies. One unforgettable evening we got scared almost senseless, and stopped all of it.

I left home at 17,and launched into a life of parties and drugs, eventually embarking on a seven year steady relationship. I had a really good job, travelling all over the UK and was loving life!! Holidays abroad, skiing, company car, bought a house at 26 years old!! Then I met my first husband and it was in the next 10 years that I experienced both the worst and best life experiences ever.

In October 1994 I reconnected with Yeshua in quite remarkable circumstances, and a year later was baptised by immersion. As I came up out of the baptism waters, I saw my old life flash before me, and it felt like scales came off my eyes!! I got this vision of me kneeling down asking Yeshua into my heart all those years before!! I even saw the girl who led me in that prayer!! I realised then that he'd never been far away it had been me who'd ignored him. I could see all the situations I'd been in, all the nasty bits, and also the parts when God had intervened and poured Grace on me. But I hadn't recognised Him, and hadn't known Jesus!!

So take heart. If people you love are far off from him..... If they've strayed at some point, he will move mountains to bring them back!! I pray right now for prodigals to hear the lord, to see his hand in their lives. To wake up!! During this lockdown... Wake up!! In Yeshua’s name Amen.

Words by Lizzie Hornby, Hayle, Cornwall, England

Jul 14


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