Under the Cover of Light


Words by Pat Streatfield, Redruth

A chance encounter in the darkness reveals a way for Jesus to shine.

25 years ago I bumped into a missionary at church after she had just come back from Nepal. She had a real cool print of the name Jesus, which I immediately had screen printed onto an old jean jacket. Shortly after, whilst working for Crusaders (now Urban Saints) Overseas Opportunities for Young People, I found myself with the jacket as part of a team in Guatemala, South America. We were there to give a bunch of UK youth an opportunity to be God's hands and feet working with Spanish speaking evangelists in drug rehab/ prison situations.

It was our last evening in Guatemala before leaving for the UK so whilst coming back from doing the business at a church, we decided to stop off at a Mcdonalds for a farewell bite to eat. We were all in the back of an old beat up pick up, as we swung into the car park. Everywhere was lit up bright with neon lights with areas of contrasting darkness. It was into one of these dark areas that I was led, with jacket, to take a walk. In the dimness I found a little boy of about 12 years sitting amongst some rubbish. I called over to one the young interpreters to ask whether the boy would like to join us for a Big Mac. The boy eventually got the courage up to join us. We had a bit of hassle with the staff 'cos this little guy was non too clean and smelt pretty ripe. Turns out that he was living on the streets and would for small change, look after the cars of the customers who were in the diner. The young team made him feel at home, him an outcast who never thought he would ever set foot inside the bright clean world that had been beyond his reach for so long. The young interpreters started telling the boy about Jesus and how He could set free captives of street life such as himself. The boy agreed to meet with them the following day to talk some more. This was a tough call for our UK team as we were flying out the next day so we had to rely on prayer and hope big time that the little guy would show up. Also we had to leave him out there in the car park that night. As I was just about to climb back into the pickup I was led by that Scripture that says that if you have two jackets to give one away.

John answered, "Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same." - Luke 3:11

So I took off that old Jean jacket with JESUS printed on the back, draped it around this little guy, knowing that Jesus had got his back covered that night. Yeah, we heard eventually the boy did meet up with the evangelists the following day, signed up for the Lord and had been reconnected with his long ago mother and was working in an ice cream parlour. Praise God.

Words by Pat Streatfield, Redruth

May 12


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