Divine Campervan Joys

Words by Jane Streatfield, Redruth


A random prompt to study Psalm 91 ushers in a divine connection.

Since moving to Cornwall last year, I wanted to buy a campervan!  How fun right!!?  The beautiful beaches, the stunning coastline, the adventures to be had seemed endless.  So when we decided to get a 7 seater, the idea of a campervan-type car popped into our minds... to cut a long story short I found a place about half an hour away from where we live that sells just what I wanted, so I called up and checked they were still open (early Coronavirus days, just before the lockdown), and they were so I went on up. 

I met the guy and he showed us one, and started flipping seats up and twisting them around... but he apologised that he couldn’t do it easily as he had had an operation on his shoulder last year.  I decided to go for a test drive and asked the Holy Spirit to come help - alone in a car with a stranger and all that... as he was driving to the industrial estate where I was going to have the test drive, he kept telling me I looked familiar.  We had never met, couldn’t find a connection BUT God does this to me sometimes - usually the other way around, I will meet someone and feel like I know them and it’s usually because He wants us to hook up for whatever reason.  And the reasons vary from witnessing, to healing to loving on peeps.  So I told him this.  Asked if he had a faith, we spoke about Truro Cathedral, the services and old church they have in it and he shared his story.    

When we got back to his office we carried on chatting.  He said he often has people coming to him saying they just had a feeling to come and buy a van.  He asked me why I had come - it was so direct.  I could see God had moved me, led me to that very place for one reason... so I told him it must be that God sent me and that it’s because God wants him to know that he loves him.  Then I was able to speak the Truth and declare God’s goodness over Him through Jesus.  It was powerful. It was moving. It was pretty epic!  

To top it off, a week before, God had led me to Psalm 91 and told me to go through it and look at the original meaning of every word.  I’ve never done this before.  I didn’t know who it was for.  I wasn’t sure why I needed to do the whole Psalm but I did.  Sent it to a few friends who were thankful but response was more of a ‘meh, thanks’ rather than a ‘Whoa , thanks!’  As we chatted I asked him if he ever read the bible and he said not much... and then asked if I had a psalm for him - I panicked and thought Psalm 23 is a classic! But as I said it, the Holy Spirit prompted me and brought to mind psalm 91.  As I described the beauty and comfort that God gives through it, his eyes lit up... he began to speak the Psalm to me!  He then scrolled through his phone and showed me a photo - it was a photo of a piece of paper with PSALM 91 printed on it!   

Blown away by God.  Thanking God that He sent me there.  That this guy was so open and receptive and thankful.  It was divine providence.  I love how God moves and calls out to His sheep.  Even during the Coronavirus.

Words by Jane Streatfield, Redruth

May 26


Dinner with Jesus


Abounding Grace