Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Words by Sue Tucker, Ilminster, Somerset, England


God defies a medical prognosis and performs a surgery Himself.

In April last year, my brother-in-law was suffering from severe pain in his knee, and was finding it extremely painful to walk. He had been told he needed an operation on it, but was particularly distressed because him and his wife had booked a special holiday to America in September, and it looked very likely the operation would be around that time.

I asked him if I could pray for him, he agreed so I laid hands on his knee, commanded the pain to go and for the knee to be healed. I didn't really think about it again, but when I saw him a couple of weeks later, he asked me what I had done to his knee! When I asked why, he said that over the next few days after we had prayed, the pain had gone completely and he was walking freely and it looked like God had healed it.

I was so excited, as he was too, and he said it would be interesting to see what the consultant said when he went back. A couple of weeks later I received this from him -

"Just seen surgeon (main man that saw me in April). He said without prompting, "maybe God is looking favourably on you!" He is calling for an MRI scan which will give a more detailed view of the area in question. In the meantime he said "enjoy your holiday"! He encouraged me to keep strengthening the muscles. So all good, well done God and his helper!"

The operation was temporarily cancelled, and he and his wife were able to go and enjoy their holiday in America.

In November, he had another appointment with the surgeon - he was still completely pain free, the operation was completely cancelled and he was discharged. The surgeon actually said he must have someone watching over him!

When God heals someone, people often ask where is the medical proof?! After his visit to the surgeon, my brother-in-law sent me a copy of his discharge letter, so we have it documented! God is so amazing.

(Copy of letter from doctor - names and addresses removed.)

Click here for more stories from Sue of God moving in her day-to-day

Words by Sue Tucker, Ilminster, Somerset, England

Jun 8


Unique Beauties


Holy Spirit: The Comforter