The Great Provider


Words by Saram James, Okara, Pakistan

Heeding God’s call to bring food to the poor.

Saram James (pictured above, far right) is involved in ministry work in Okara, Pakistan - Saram and his family provide food for local families, the very poor in the city and nearby villages who are enslaved to the brick kilns (brick factories). He says it is “by the grace of God that they give the food bags”. Here he shares a couple of recent testimonies about God’s wonderful provision.

“There was one lady, who was begging for flour from someone else. She was saying:

“I am very worried about what we do tomorrow.”

She then got a food bag. When she received it she said:

“I am very happy that God has provided for my whole family.”

Another family were very worried that for many days they didn’t have any work and they had borrowed money from the local brick kiln owner to meet their needs, but were very worried.

The family prayed to God and then received the food bags… they were so thankful and rejoiced, giving thanks to God. God is so wonderful and God is good all of the time.”

Words by Saram James, Okara, Pakistan

May 30


Resilient Hope


The Trustworthy Conductor