Stay Here a While


Words by Rachel Painter

It wont look like today. The distance, I mean. The horizon you can’t see.

Stay here a while, listen. I understand things have changed.

Caught in the middle, in the open, out from where you’ve been.

Come over here. A sanctuary just for you, watch the changing of the season.

I know your anxious thoughts. Just watch. You aren’t where you think you are.

We’ll trace the stream of bluebells, walk the path of promise, a road cleared for love.

Out of the woods, into the grander things - they surround you.

It’s where the river meets the tide. I know you can’t see it now. I know you’re asking if you’ve got what it takes.

You have nothing to fear. Because where my river flows your life will abound.

Come re-enter the present with me, follow the river. You’ll find me here. 

I am with you. Always.

Words by Rachel Painter

Apr 20


No Need to Hide


Power Made Perfect in Weakness