Crown of the Aged


Words by Pat Streatfield, Redruth

God is encouraging men to not do more, but perhaps do it better.

Ever since things hit the fan with the Coronavirus... I believe that God wants to lift up grandparents, specifically grandfathers, who play a vital role as carers in their grandkids lives. This role has now been ripped away through isolation, leaving something like a bereavement, a loss of identity in some cases, a ‘what do I do now?’ feeling.

I believe that God is encouraging men to accept this ‘time off’ to strengthen, assess what they do with their precious grandkids, could they not do more necessarily, but perhaps do it better.

“Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.” - Proverbs 17:6

Is God wanting to give us further gifts to build up the body, we were told that He’s on the move, should we as ‘elderly men’ be getting our marching boots on... many may feel their marching days are over, but we die with ‘our boots on’, hallelujah!

Don’t know many scriptures but one has stuck with me for a long time. Job 14:8-9 who is talking about a tree.

“Even if its roots are old and gnarled, at the first whiff of water it comes to life, buds and grows like a sapling.” - Job 14:8-9

Come water of the Holy Spirit pour afresh on us ‘men of years’, help us to reboot, seek something fresh, assess our roles, gifts and calling. Help us to ‘see’ your ‘new thing’!

Words by Pat Streatfield, Redruth

Apr 19




Worshipping With Angels