Worshipping With Angels


Words by Tiva Daka, Redruth

The presence of God is revealed in a unique way.

On Saturday, 28th March, myself and the rest of the engine house lockdown team had just finished eating a lovely dinner, we sat chatting, and Jane & Matt, a couple in the 'lockdown team' shared the heart behind ’the Wonderful’ magazine with the rest of the team - we were all very excited and the Lord led us into a time of worship.

So, the worship music was on and we began to praise the Lord in the splendour of His holiness. That particular worship set was very much focused on Revelation 4 & 5 - where the angels, the 24 elders and the living creatures are in the throne room crying out:

"Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.” - Revelation 5:9

The set was about half an hour long, and we were just absolutely lost in love and adoration to the Lord, and it was truly incredible. And then there was this weighty presence. We were all sitting down around the fire, spending some time waiting and reflecting on the Lord. Jane said she had experienced a ‘weighty wind’ fall over her during the worship.

Bizarrely, I had been feeling the exact same sensations, yet didn’t feel led to share it because I thought maybe it was just me. I can remember at one point, I thought somebody had taken one of the big worship flags and wafted it full pelt past me during the worship whilst my eyes were closed - I actually had to look up to make sure that didn’t happen, because on 2 or 3 occasions I felt these huge drafts of wind flow through and around me.

Now this same sensation took place with both Matt and Jane as well. As soon as we started to talk about it, I felt the presence of God intensify and the Holy Spirit reminded me of 2 Scriptures - Hebrews 1 (we recently went through the book of Hebrews as a church), and Psalm 104v4, which is quoted in Hebrews 1:7; Of the angels he says:

“He makes His angels winds, and His ministers a flame of fire.” - Hebrews 1:7

We all got very excited as we talked over the fact that angels are sent by God to minister to believers (Heb 1:14) and as the Word of God reveals, they can manifest winds and fire. So the sensation that we had all encountered and experienced was very much backed up biblically in the Word of God. Thank you Lord! What an encounter! What a weighty presence. What a delight!

So the next day, we were obviously still excited and talking about it, and I then had a message from a very trusted prophetic friend of mine who had a powerful vision that evening that we were worshipping - and it was of Jesus marching through the entire globe with a huge fleet of angel armies with Him. She encouraged us that angels were waiting on assignment, to go on assignment at the release of His Word.

Words by Tiva Daka, Redruth

Apr 19


Crown of the Aged